Category Archives: Blog Post #7

A raisin in the Sun

In the play” A raisin in the sun” by Hansberry, the black family displays their stories of value about life, money and identity in society as a certain social class. In fact, these are sharp problems of value for all humans in any society. As a colored immigrant, I have met many problems similar to those in the play. I think this play is an epitome of the most common ongoing problems that occur in the real life. Walter tends to money as values, his mother and wife choose family and love. Walter’s sister Beneatha has her own idea of identity. In this play, I like Beneatha’s thought, I work in a multi-color people environment, there is a coworker from my country. However, he doesn’t like talking to me in our mother language, on contrary, he likes to be with white people, he tries to talk to Americans with his clumsy English all the time. He hates to be recognized as my race people. I respect him, I stop talking to him, but I wonder that even though he tries his best to assimilate himself into whites he is still distinguished as non-white visibly by his yellow face. Submerging in whites doesn’t mean acquiring the same social status as whites. I believe that showing the competence of desired social status with your own heritage, culture and characteristics is dignity. The play makes people ponder over their values which way is the right way to choose when people encounter such intersections.


Blog Post#7 A Raisin in the Sun

After reading “A Raisin In The Sun” written by Lorraine Hansberry, I realized the importance and value of the stage direction in the play. The life and the success of the play lies in the hands of the director. This is true with A Raisin In The Sun. Here, Hanberry has managed and has planned the plot so well. The setting of the story happened on a particular date, the management and organization of the place are vividly described in addition, the readers could easily identify the character’s cultural background, their living conditions, and environment as a whole. The characters in the play are the following: Lena/ Mama is a responsible, caring, and loving mother, whose intention is to provide a good life for her family, Walter Lee, the eldest/son of mama, dream’s a better for his family by investing in a liquor store. Beneatha, daughter mama, whose ambition is to become a doctor. Ruth wife of Walter Lee, a responsible mom. Travis son of Walter Lee and Ruth dreams to have a comfortable life. All of them dream of American life such as happiness, success, improvement of social mobility, and freedom. I could also say that the dialogues assigned to its performer are appropriate to their respective roles. The conversations among them were clear and comprehensible that one can even relate it to real-life phenomenon. As the verbal and actual interaction takes place between or among the performers a reader can likely predict what will happen next or what will happen at the end of the story, a manifestation that Hanberry has gotten the attention and the interest of her readers.

On the other hand, the title of the play doesn’t convey a literal meaning but rather connotes a deeper meaning. One can come across it’s meaning through careful analysis and understanding of the message. Taking into consideration the raisin stands for the object and the sun as the outside factor. I’m proud and happy that I am now applying my knowledge in literature.

Blog #7

In what ways does Hansberry use stage directions to set up our expectations for what will happen in the play and what the characters are like?

– In “A Raisin in the Sun”, Hansberry shows how he displays his characters and environment of the act to the reader, knowing that they can send out a message through a Play. The old, crowded houses, the poor quality of life and the wonderful life that character wants and they work to improve the quality of life and their working environment. All of the above are for one goal that involves how to improve their social status and quality of life. The author depicts their thoughts, feelings which the express their feelings to each other.

The Youngers are a poor African-American family living on the South Side of Chicago. Lena’s children, Walter and Beneatha, each have their plans for the money. The oldest son, Walter wishes to invest in a liquor store. The younger sister, Beneatha, currently a college student, wants to use the money for medical school. Lena has plans as well for the money: she wants to buy a house for the family and finance Beneatha’s medical school. The environmental pressures are high: five people live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, two families share a single bathroom, and the building is run-down and roach-infested. These pressures increase when Walter’s wife, Ruth, finds out that she is pregnant for the second time, and begins seriously contemplating abortion. Yet even in an environment where a request for fifty cents becomes a family conflict, there is room for ideas and dreams.

Blog Post #7

    I see that A Raisin in the Sun shows a poor family’s dreams exposed to racism for several generations. The author shows this poverty through the place they live in; it is a poor and old neighborhood. The first scene shows the apartment’s old furniture, which has no privacy and consists of one bedroom where all the family members live together. Each one of them has his own dream about the future. Because achieving their dreams and getting rid of that poverty depends on their possession of money, this money is the most important theme in the play. Also, Race and Discrimination have many negatives; one of them when you have many dreams that you can not achieve because you do not have the price of your dreams. The personalities in this family differ, as each one of them has a different dream. Mama’s dream is to own a big house that includes her family to provide a warmer and calmer atmosphere. Walter’s dream is to be the owner of a project to help his family be better, and Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor. The different characteristics make them conflict together because they want to achieve their own dreams with money. The author draws a picture of the social life of African Americans at the time through this play.

blog post 7

The book “A Raisin in the Sun” by Hansberry talks about the hardship that Walter Lee’s family faced in living in poverty in the environment of the radical district of Chicago that they lived. Throughout the story, the author shows us the struggle that the Walter family faced and how lee has to share the bathroom with a group of people who live in their building, the job that Lee has that he is sick of working he wants a better lifestyle for his wife and his kid lee want that American dream. Lee talks to his wife Ruth into convenes his mother into giving the insurance check for the death of their father to Lee so he can use it to open a business while his daughter is going to use the money for her school to become a doctor. I see how the author depicted the hardship that everyone in the family faced the mom who wants to keep everyone together see that that money is destroying the family. Walter wants something better for himself his sister Beneatha who wants to be something does want to be in the role as every other woman would like an independent woman. Ruth whose is struggling with her husband with her kid and a baby coming on the way thinking about having an abortion due to the stress that her husband gives out to her and the lifestyle that they are living in the apartment. At the end of the story, we see that Walter change as a person in the began we he was obsessed with money that he would
Give up his pride and his dignity for money but he sees that money is not everything in the end.

Blog Post #7

In the play “A Raisin in the Sun” written by Lorraine Hansberry, the author uses stage directions to give us a better understanding on what the premise of the story is by telling us what the characters do and how they act. This can be seen when the current living situation is described at the start of the play, where it talks about the furniture being very weary and teared as well as dusty. This explains how they react after they receive the life insurance and how selfish they mostly become such as Walter, who immediately wants to invest in a liquor store. However, Mama isn’t selfish and just wants to move to a better home for all of them.

Blog 7

In the play “A raisin in the sun,” the author picture Walter family cleverly. Walter believes the financial status will eliminate the difference between blackness and whiteness, which is ridiculous. All that he is thinking of is investing money to be rich. Lee has and daughter and son and both of them believe that their education will make the American dream true. The whole family including his wife with has suffered poverty and their goal is to get rid of this small room and having a better quality of life. Eventually, Lee lost most of his property because he was over-optimistic about investing money. Now he believes that his dignity, pride, and the love that this family carries are much important. Money does not make happiness as long as you do not know what is the meaning of it.

Blog 7#

The book “A Raisin in the Sun” describes life as it were for black families living in Chicago when racial segregation and discrimination was rampant. During the period, African Americans did not receive equal treatment and opportunities as whites. Black families had to defer the American dream since they lacked the resources to pursue those dreams. The author highlights the challenges based on racial discrimination faced by black families as they struggled to establish their identity in a segregated society. In the book, black families lived in crowded spaces characterized by poor living standards. Therefore, most of the families hoped to improve their living standards by seeking all the means available. Each character in the book has a different dream and aims at improving his or her lifestyle. All the dreams are aimed at pursuing the American dream of a good lifestyle and better living conditions. Each family member wants to use the insurance money received after his or her father and husband’s death to fulfill his or her dream. Walter appears selfish in his dream and only cares about his interests rather thanthat of the family. He wants to be rich by investing the money in a liquor store business. On the other hand, his sister has a dream of pursuing an education and becoming a doctor. The money would cover her medical school tuition and help the family to progress after securing a job. Lastly, their mother has a longstanding dream of owning a home. She wanted to use the life insurance money to buy a family house and improve their social status and quality of life. I can feel the author’s voice in the story through the characters’ conversation and feelings. The family is very resistant to joining the white world. They want to have an identity that represented their culture. Therefore, Beneatha appears to be a deserter since she wants to pursue higher education, which was a white culture. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with their dreams since each aims at improving the quality of life and status in society without losing their identity. I feel that the pursuit of the American dream is a constant theme portrayed by all the characters. Each wants a better life for the family.

Blog Post#7

After I read the play “a raisin in the sun” by Hansberry, I noticed that Hansberry have used many stage directions to connect the plots with the characters, which enables readers to learn about the members of the family and what the family are struggling with. For example, the plot that Travis, Walter’s son, sleeps in the living room depicts the tough financial environment of this family.

Walter and Beneatha, whose father passed away and their Mama would receive a life insurance check. Mama wants to buy a big house and support Beneatha’s education with this check. While Walter wants to invest in a liquor store and improve their financial circumstances with this check but he is not supported by his family. Beneatha devotes herself in study and wants to change the situation of the black people suffering.