Author Archives: Ngawang Tashi

Blog #7

In what ways does Hansberry use stage directions to set up our expectations for what will happen in the play and what the characters are like?

– In “A Raisin in the Sun”, Hansberry shows how he displays his characters and environment of the act to the reader, knowing that they can send out a message through a Play. The old, crowded houses, the poor quality of life and the wonderful life that character wants and they work to improve the quality of life and their working environment. All of the above are for one goal that involves how to improve their social status and quality of life. The author depicts their thoughts, feelings which the express their feelings to each other.

Blog #6

Benito Cereno is often cited as a powerful statement on enslavement in the U.S. Now that you have finished the novella, what are your thoughts about how Herman Melville depicted this practice? Does the novella depict enslavement in a negative or a positive light? Who do we sympathize with at the conclusion of the story? What should we make of Delano’s blindness?

-The Author Herman Melville shows some of what was happening in the past in America. This means that whatever happened in the past is worse because stories do not always fully show the facts. I see that there is no main person in this story because everyone lost his life, but I really feel sad and bad for all the characters. Knowing that they can improve those weak points and making the reader interesting in the topic.

BLog #5

      1. He identifies two main features as the event of the story and how these events are told, According to what I analyze by reading chapter 6 “narrative” by Johnathan Culler it can be stated that The plot and discourse caught my full attention because it was a thriller which is a good thing and something the author looks for in a reader. Some authors can make the reader really confused about what points he’s making.

      2.   Culler had stated that the narrative gives a reader a different way of viewpoint due to his twist on the situation in his stories. I think that a writer should make a reader feel more connected to the story that’s they’re reading, to get a closer look at what’s happening and the excitement building up.

BLog #4

In Chapter 5 of Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Jonathan Culler discusses some of the ways poetry asks us to think about how language works. This week you are also annotating the two poems that are the subject of your first paper. For this blog post, I would like you to consider the chapter from Culler’s book alongside your reading of the poems. Find one or two places in one of these poems and identify a rhetorical or poetic technique Culler describes in Chapter 5. Why does this technique jump out at you as being important or interesting? How does it help shape the meaning of the poem?

– One most important fact in chapter 5 of “Literary Theory” Culler stated that they provide a visual image to the reader through to instance there experiences by connecting knowledge with the readers such as “sea” to be understood by the reader and acknowledge what the reading is trying to state.

Blog #3

In “Literature, Meaning, and Interpretation,” Culler discusses the relationship between language and meaning, how language produces meaning. What is one idea from this chapter that strikes you as interesting regarding the relationship between language and meaning?

– In chapter 4 “ Literature, Meaning, and Interpretation”, Culler discusses that language has a big impact on society and the relationship between language has the same meaning but different pronunciations. One idea from this chapter that strikes me is that language is not a ‘Nomenclature’ that provides labels for pre-existing categories; it generates its own categories, and many languages relate to one another because of how they use the same vocabulary or pronunciations.

Blog #2

Q-Consider the part of this chapter that includes and continues after the section titled “The nature of literature.” In this part of the chapter Culler defines “literature” from several angles. Which of these angles do you find most interesting and useful? Why?

-After reading chapter 2, the section titled “The nature of literature” the reason why it was really interesting and useful because of the way the author had compared life and Events that accrue during an even that takes place in daily life such as how much do we learn from our culture without literature. I think reading research papers is really unrelieved because of lack of interesting topics or lack of creativity.

Blog #1

Below you will find two things to consider for this blog post. Let me know if they are unclear. Also, don’t forget to respond to at least one classmate’s post.

  1. In the first 10 pages of this chapter, Jonathan Culler outlines the question he asks in the chapter’s title: What is literature, and does it matter? What, according to you, is the most important aspect of this section of the chapter? Why is it important for thinking about definitions of literature?

– In the chapters, Johnathan Culler what he stated is really Important because of whom they’re stating about in the topic and the mind behind the work, the author wanted to bring this important part of the literature in the chapters as in-play/poem.

  1. Write one question that stayed with you as you read this chapter.

        – I have one question in mind is that why does reading literature or nonliterature cab affect human beings?


Hi everyone, my name is Ngawang Tashi. I am from Queens and I’m currently majoring in business administration in marketing and sales, I am planning to continue my studies at Baruch college to pursue my bachelor’s degrees. Some of my interests are in sports such as tennis and basketball. I have a lot of passion for automotive and how the world in the automotive is evolving into electric energy. Big automotive companies like Tesla are a leading hand in turning the world into sustainable energy.