Chapter6 responses

In chapter 6 of Johnathan culler literature reading it has a lot of deep thoughts but also it was a meaning behind finding the purpose, the literature also reminds me of a show that I was very much interested in. Although the show and the season were a made-up show it still had a purpose and a plot twist to each episode and seasons(7). “Orange is the new Black” (images below)–BWQnkK7bowzI0NTfHvSWCb3lw:1604025369147&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEutqSpNvsAhW3hHIEHaAaC_YQ_AUoAnoECCoQBA&biw=1366&bih=657

The show “Orange is The New Black” was a creative show which made a lot of sense it had a bit of everything you could think of combine into 7 season whit about 13 episodes they talked and gave a history rundown of everyone in the show to understand each character playing the parts but always bought back to the main character which was “Piper Chadman”.

Just like the literature everything that’s being discussed is always a connection to the author or it relates to them and that’s what makes the literature or even a show great because the connection and the plot twist that they put on the narrative to draw you a little more closer to the story or the show or even the movie.