Blog post #1

After reading the chapter What is literature and does it matter? By Jonathan Culler, he defines literature in many ways as well as when he said that “literature comes in all shapes and sizes, and most of them seem to have more in common with works that aren’t usually called literature”. Which means that literature is not only the words that are simply written but it has a separate quality which makes it different and valuable attention. One example of this can be the good literature ‘My  Love is like a red, red rose’ a poem by Robert Burns, and ‘Hamlet’ a play by William Shakespeare that distinguishes from songs, transcriptions of conversations, and autobiographies. Something that I learned was that literature helps you to do many things as well as write in a professional way and do a good job. Also, literature has the quality of encouraging creative thought that makes people educated to continue a life as a good professional and more important literature can help people understand and express their thoughts to everybody any time they feel like it. 

The question that stayed with me as I was reading this chapter was, Can people ignore literature?