As mentioned in chapter 6 which is Narrative written by Jonathan Culler, I gained insight that there was a time, that literature has been above all poetry for reason that narrative has dominated literary education. The novel and the short story is the center of the curriculum. And though people still read poetry often, it was only a requirement. Literary and cultural theory claimed that the culture is the center topic of the narrative. I learned the theory of the narrative branch of literary theory. The study depends on the narrative structure, the ideal plot,  different kinds of narrators of narrative techniques that the good stories must have a beginning, middle, and end. They give satisfaction because of their orders, and transformation and translation. Moreover, the plot shapes the event and set the tone of the story. The basic distinction of the theory of narrative is between plot, story, and discourse.  

I read a novel entitled the fault in our stars written by John Green. The novel also adapted as a film in 2014 which was produced by Fox Pictures. The plot of the story is that Hazel Grace Lancaster, a teenage girl that has thyroid cancer who went to a cancer support group where she met Agustus “Gus” Waters, who has osteosarcoma. Later on, the two became friends. They exchanged books to read. Hazel read Gus’s favorite book and goes vice versa. Gus read “An Imperial Affliction” which has an open-ended ending which made them contact the author via email. The author of the book agrees to tell them what happened in the story if the two will go to Amsterdam. While in Amsterdam Gus and Hazel confessed their love for each other and later that day they went to the author’s house to seek the answers needed but that didn’t end well. The next day, Gus told Hazel that his cancer got worse. Gus asks Hazel together with his friend Isaac to write a eulogy for his Pre Funeral. After a few days, Gus died. While at Gus’s funeral, the author came and answered the question they ask while in Amsterdam and gave a letter to Hazel which later revealed that it was from Gus before he died. While reading I observed that the Narrator is in the first-person view which is Hazel Lancaster, the main character in the novel. In addition, the story is tragic because in the end one of the protagonists died.

Meanwhile, theorists also explained the function of the stories. First, it gives pleasure through their imitation of life and their rhythm. The pleasure of the narrative is connected to desire. Plots tell of the desire to discover secrets the desire to know the end and to find the truth. Because of narrative, we can visualize the plot of the story and that helps in understanding and appreciate it well. The readers can relate their experiences with what’s happening in the story.