Blog #4 Rhetoric, Poetics, and Poetry

As I read chapter 5  which is rhetoric, poetics, and poetry written by Jonathan Culler, I learned that rhetoric is the art of effective use of language in contrasting effective style of speaking or writing while poetic is the art of imitation or representation. Poetry is related to rhetoric because it involves the use of figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification, and irony. In addition, it also involves the use of language that is powerful and convincing. 

Based on chapter 5 rhetorical techniques Jothan Culler, presented 4 rhetorical figures such as Metaphor, Metonymy, Synecdoche, and Irony. Upon reading the Sea of History Written By Dereck Walcott, I would say that the author used the figure of metaphor. To support that statement, stanzas 4 and 5 which is ” Exodus bone soldered by coral to bone, mosaics mantled by the benediction of the shark’s shadow, that was the Ark of the covenant. Then came from the plucked wires of sunlight on the sea floor”. The author compares the bone to a coral while the Ark of the Covenant is the effect of sunlight on the sea floor which are clearly metaphors because the arrangement of words created special effects that make the reading more interesting.  

Metaphor conveys meaning call upon or creates images, thoughts, and feelings in the reader’s minds in just a few simple words. Furthermore, It can provide a lasting impact and allow the readers to get more engaged to use their imaginations and interpretations.