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Blog 6

In this novella, there are three main characters Babo, the leader of the slave revolt, Benito Cereno, the controlled Spanish captain, and Amasa Delano, the white captain who stopped this slave revolt. On the San Dominick abroad Melville drew the failed slave revolt. In my opinion in the end this devastating story indicates how ridiculous the social ideology was. Benito Cereno was the spark for the slave revolt on the board and he wanted to stop this chaos with his team. I feel really sorry for the trauma he had to face emotionally and physically and on top of that, he has been killed for no reason. Also, unfortunately, Captain Delano and Babo lost their life in an unreasonable harmful fight. It is depressing what happened for all of these characters but I understand the circumstances they’ve been through at this time. The society’s “values” put a pressure where they had no better decision to be made in this situation. I blame society’s ideology more than I blame the characters in this story in this situation. Benito Cereno with his team fought for his own freedom and this very understandable. All he wants is to be treated like anybody else. On the other side Amasa Delno the white captain stopped this revolt for the values he had been raised on, where the advantages and privileges he has as a white person.

Blog #6

After reading Benito Cereno by Herman Melville,  I thought this book is Herman Melville’s reaction to slavery, but it does not describe about the cruel enslavement of African Americans in a negative or positive view. Instead, the history is directly presented to readers, reader is the story’s referee. I think maybe Cereno is the most tortured person, who try to find a balance between compatriots and sympathetic slaves, but it was difficult to achieve in the context of that time, so he died at the end.  Babo is another one important character, but what is sympathetic is his identity, a slave. He was the leader of the rebellion on the ship. Although he failed and eventually died, he was admirable. It’s hard to talk about Delano’s blindness, He has a twisted pride in his race and skin color but he is not the only one who limited by the legal slavery and other law at that time, even if we think he is a racist, he may never think about it himself. The truth is there may be all discrimination and unequal treatment at any time, we need to fight for it.

Blog post #6

After reading Benito Cereno by Herman Melville, the author talks about the inhuman action and cruelty that the African Americans faced when they were enslaved and captured in which at the time was the norm at the time the most important lesson that I got from this novel was that the action around the time was believed correct in the eye of the law. In this story there is no good ending there is just tragedy, we have 3 main characters Babo a black man that is a servant to Don Benito a frail man who is dependent on his servant to support him, and Captain Delano the leader of a merchant ship the called the story Babo was the mastermind of the slave revolting he wanted to be a freeman like everyone else wanted to be treated as equal later, in the story, he gets captured and executed in the end.  Benito was a good person he treated people well he was a passive leader but he was emotionally distraught throughout the story he was physically weak very easy to get sick he succumbed to his sickness and died. I believe that this story gives us a better understanding of both sides of the story it does not pick any side which is good and evil it for us the reader to interpret what we see what is good and what is bad in our reading the story of Herman Melville this story was every interesting felt like I was watching a Telenovela it was an interesting novel.

Blog post #6

After I finished reading “Benito Cerino” by author Herman Melville, I can conclude that the main character of “Benito Cereno” is not Captain Delano;  his character does not change in the course of the story, other than his awakening to the true relationship of Cereno and the slaves. Rather, the protagonist is Cereno himself, who falls under “the shadow of the Negro” in the course of the tale, eventually leading to his death. Cereno plays a significant role in saving his fellows Spanish, who survived the disease and the repression of the slaves. Melville is not condemning slavery in his novel but depicts the subtle relationship between the various characters. The negative or positive of the story is depending on the reader’s perspectives; There are three main characters in this novel,  the white captive Cereno, the white commander Delano and the black slave Gbagbo. From Babo’s perspective, the novella positively depicts enslavement because it is from the perspective of Spaniard or white; the opinion is opposite Babo. in the end, Cereno and all the sailors were threatened with instant death if they give anything away. Cereno struggled between wanting to tell Delano the truth and the constant threat of Babo. Finally, he leaped overboard into Delano’s boat. Slavery is part of our human history; even in today’s world, slavery still exists but in a different form. Slavery is not based only on race but also on social status, religion. The characters in the story reflect all the things React differently. The reader could empathize with Babo and other slaves, but the Darkside of human history can never change. I think Melville is exploring intriguing of the relationship between blacks and whites through his novel.

Blog post #6

After I reading this story, I don’t think the novels have been salving for a negative or good discussion the novel positively depicts enslavement, perhaps from Spanish or white perspective. There are three main features that give the capital Delano, a sick man Benito and a black man Babo. Benito and Babo’s relationship was a employer and boss. I think that each of them is right about because they are doing what they should to do. Babo’s plans to fight for their freedom, they don’t want to be treated unequally. They want to be the same right as Spanish and white people has. The only small dream at that time was ridiculous, white and Spanish with their eyes, they saw the blacks don’t have right to say no and they should be followed their order. But, Babo will be sentenced to death. On the other side, Benito is a good leader who treats people well. He tries to do everything he can to prevent the war, but he doesn’t control it. I think, Benito and Babo’s relationship was very strong. Now, my question is if so, than why are all white and black people have a good relationship like Benito and Babo? In fact, whites and blacks are not available to each other at that time. A few months after Babo’s death, Benito also died. After everything, all discrimination and unfinished treatments can’t have any time, equal rights for everyone has same.

Blog post #6

At the beginning of the story, readers could perceive the narrative of Benito Cereno as a thrilling story between good guys and bad guys. The ship is taken over by slaves (ostensibly bad guys), and the good captain Delano needs to do the right thing, stop the rebellion and save the original crew and the ship.
But when we read further on, we will realize that the revolt is just a desperate try of the slaves to extricate themselves from slavery and a huge injustice of that era. Herman Melville depicted the slavery practice as a part of our history, that is morally completely wrong, but unfortunately, lawful back then. All audience probably felt that the story’s termination is not right, but there was nothing that could have helped Babo at the end.
Slavery is part of our history, even in Europe, where slavery was not based only on race but also on social status, religion or political preferences, and many other aspects until the last century, where things started to change the western world. But there are still many places where slavery is accepted, and that is what we all should be aware of. Delano from the story could react differently. He could empathize with Babo and other slaves, and the narrative could lead to a different outcome. I think Melville wanted to say that it does not mean that all lawfully correct things are morally or ethically correct as well.

Blog post #6

After I finished reading the novella “Benito Cerino”. The author Herman Melville (Herman Melville) described black slavery as a cruel and inhuman act. The author described a failed slave uprising on Saint Dominic. There are three main characters in this novel, they are the white captive Cereno, the white commander Delano and the black slave Gbagbo. The author focuses on the description of Gbagbo because he captured Cereno and launched an uprising, wanting to restore the personal freedom of all slaves. When Captain Delano visits, Gbagbo always stands by Cereno, reminding and threatening him to keep secrets. But in the end, Delano discovered the rebellion, and he and his men fought against slaves. At the end of the story, Babo was killed for breaking the law; Cereno died of insanity and torture. Both of them ended tragically. Through a comprehensive reading of the entire novella, it is not difficult to see that the author expressed slavery in a negative light. From the perspective of the complex relationship between these three characters, the author presents a description of the severe segregation between whites and blacks at that time and the social status of these two races at the time. The purpose of the black slave uprising was not only to resist but to prove that both whites and blacks should be indistinguishable from humans. They wanted to find a way to pursue their freedom. Personally, the true meaning of this story is that everyone should learn that there is zero-tolerance for racial discrimination. In the period of slavery described in the novel, the reason why Baba organized this uprising was simply that he wanted freedom. Because as a human, he can’t even control his life. As a slave, he can only be controlled by his master and treated as goods. Although he resisted, his resistance was ultimately futile. I can feel how much Babo desires to be free. White people think that black people should only serve them. I think this is due to the social background at that time, slaves have no rights and freedom at all. But we live in the same world. We now have equal rights for everyone to fight for our future and share the same opportunities to achieve our goals. Such freedom and equality are the most precious things that those people who lived in the period of slavery longed for but could not get. Now everyone should protect everyone from being treated equally, and we should resist racial discrimination and protect our freedom. I sympathize with the domestic slaves who were forced to leave them. They should live peacefully with their families and enjoy life, but racial discrimination and man-made destruction have ruined the good life they should have belonged to them. Therefore I think all lives are important, and we should resist all racial discrimination and unfair treatment.

Blog post #6

After reading the story, I can’t think the novella depicts enslavement in a negative or a positive light because the opinions of readers are different. From Babo’s perspective, the novella positively depicts enslavement, maybe from the perspective of Spaniard or white, the opinion is opposite of Babo. There are three main characteristics, who are capital Delano, a sick man Benito, and a black man Babo. Benito and Babo are masters and servants. I think I can’t evaluate whether the behavior of each of them is correct or not because they are doing what they should do. Babo organized the blacks in the ship to plan to fight for their freedom, they don’t want to be treated unequally. They just want to be the same as Spaniards and white. The only small dream in that time is ridiculous, in the eyes of white and Spanian, the blacks are inferior who have no right to say no and they should obey their commands. However, the result of Babo is to be executed. Benito is a good leader who treats people well. He tries his best to prevent the fighting, but he does not control it. In my opinion, the relationship between Benito and Babo is very good. So why do all white and black have a good relationship like Benito and Babo? Actually, the whites and the black can’t get along well with each other at that time. After several months of Babo execution, Benito also passed away. All in all, all discriminations and unequal treatments couldn’t exist at any time, everyone has equal rights and the same. 

Blog post #6

Through over the novella of “Benito Cereno”, author Herman Melville mostly depicted plots with the perspective of Captain Delano and the third-personal angle, to create and visualize an anxious, suspicious, and mysterious atmosphere in the novel. There are many details that foreshadowing plots, but they can only be seen after readers know about the whole story and the truth was being revealed. Therefore, as I reread the novel, I find that they were plenty of meaning can be shown in each plot with a different angle. For example, it is a mystery that Don Benito always tried to protect his black slaves, It is too coincident that his health issue always hindered him when conflicts on his ship were happening, and while Captain Delano was asking for explanations, Don Benito was always trying to escape from the topic, this caused Captain Delano’s attention and doubted that if Don Benito was plan to murder him. When I read this plot at the first time, I thought that Don Benito might have a good relationship with his ship members, so he always ignore issues on his ship to prevent his slaves from being judged by others, but after I finish the novel, I found that the true reason was Don Benito was being threaten by his black servant Babo. Babo was trying to liberate other blacks, he served his master Don Benito and keep an eye on him. To avoid the black slaves being out of control, Don Benito had to avoid any conflict and stay with Babo, because he knew that once he leave the sight of Babo, a revolution of the blacks would likely to happen, which would put himself and other people on an extremely dangerous situation. Overall, the novella depicted enslavement in a negative view since the atmosphere created in the novel is very stressing. In my opinion, I sympathize Don Benito in this story because I think he took the most responsibility, he tried to avoid war, and to do so he had to maintain balance between American and black, even though his had such serious illness, he was trying to save everyone. Meanwhile, I can feel the desire of freedom of black, they urged to be liberated, and when they failed to be free, I can imagine the despair on their face, it is so hurt. In a word, the novel shows a strong condemn statement on enslavement. Although Captain Delano concerned who was going to murder him, his sympathies to blacks, and the loyalty of Babo to Don Benito he saw, blind his sense on the situation.

Blog Post #6

  At the end of the story, I see that author Herman Melville shows some of what was happening in the past in America. This means that whatever happened in the past is worse, because stories do not always fully show the facts. The most important thing for me in this story is; how did these enslaved people feel when injustice and slavery were done against them in the name of law? Actually, I see that there is no hero for this story because everyone lost his life, but I really feel sad and bad for all the characters. The blacks were only trying to prove that they were as strong and good as the whites, and this was explained by the author through the character of Babo. They wanted nothing but freedom and equality between them and the whites, they wanted to go back to their homes. I see that it is important to sympathize with those who were forcibly removed from their families and peaceful countries. those who were treated without any respect, without adequate food and were subject to death at any time. If the blacks had ever acted violently, it was because they felt wronged and humiliated. Therefore, the black lives matter, and also the lives of all human beings are important, and we are all equal.