Blog post #6

After reading Benito Cereno by Herman Melville, the author talks about the inhuman action and cruelty that the African Americans faced when they were enslaved and captured in which at the time was the norm at the time the most important lesson that I got from this novel was that the action around the time was believed correct in the eye of the law. In this story there is no good ending there is just tragedy, we have 3 main characters Babo a black man that is a servant to Don Benito a frail man who is dependent on his servant to support him, and Captain Delano the leader of a merchant ship the called the story Babo was the mastermind of the slave revolting he wanted to be a freeman like everyone else wanted to be treated as equal later, in the story, he gets captured and executed in the end.  Benito was a good person he treated people well he was a passive leader but he was emotionally distraught throughout the story he was physically weak very easy to get sick he succumbed to his sickness and died. I believe that this story gives us a better understanding of both sides of the story it does not pick any side which is good and evil it for us the reader to interpret what we see what is good and what is bad in our reading the story of Herman Melville this story was every interesting felt like I was watching a Telenovela it was an interesting novel.