Category Archives: Blog Post #1

Blog Post Prompt #1: What Is Literature and Does It Matter?

After reading Culler’s thoughts on the categorization and selection of what defines literature the biggest takeaway for me is that our definitions are often largely subjective. Whether this subjectivity is personal, characterized by the rules and status quo of society or both, defining literary works often means comparing them to our experiences with texts or materials that have already been deemed “literary” . To me Culler also asserts that works are often considered “literary” by the masses when they happen to follow qualities and conventions that have long been associated with other literary works. To me a good example he gave of this was the sentence “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows”. Since this sentence rhymes, and follows a rhythmic cadence that seems almost familiar, we are tempted to assume this is a poem of some sort. To me, the fact that we assume this is because  of our experiences with similar pieces of text that follow similar conventions as well as the perceived rules of such texts that have been ingrained in us.

The question that stuck with me is “what is involved in treating things as literature in our culture?” This question reminded me of the famous question of “what is art” and how art is often subjective and usually requires context to be understood.

#Blog Post 1

1.After I read Jonathan Culler’s chapter on “What is literature and does it matter?,” the author gives a definition of literature,”Literature, is a speech act or textual event that elicits certain kinds of attention.” However, the definition is not very clear. In this chapter Culler refers to the difference between literature and non-literature, but there is no practical difference between the two to distinguish literature from non-literature. Because literature is defined subjectively, it depends on whether it is endowed with emotions and thoughts that transcend words and connect the author with the reader. I think defining literature is not necessary but it’s a positive thing.Because the distinction between literature is a subjective concept, masterpieces such as “Hamlet” “The Old Man and the Sea” must be called literature, but there are many more books or articles that fall somewhere between literature and non-literature.This can be controversial because everyone’s subjective impressions are different. So I don’t think it’s necessary to define literature. But when you want to read a good book, a literary book. We can look for it on a label. And when reading this book, as a reader, you can have a connection with an author you’ve never met before (who may have been far away from your country or left the world hundreds of years ago), so I think it’s a positive thing and a positive thing.


2.The question that stays with me as I read this chapter was,Is it true that when an article or a poem is defined as literature, its value is higher than that of non-literature? Is the “value” of literature imagined? Because the word does not change before and after it is defined as literature, but its value is changed.

#Blog Post 1

  1.      Culler defines literature in many ways. After reading Culler’s “What is literature and does it matter?”, what stuck out with me the most was Culler stating that “ works of literature come in all shapes and sizes.” To me I think this is the most important aspect of this chapter because it properly defines that literature is not bound to one definition or one term. Literature comes in so many different “shapes” and it could sometimes be hard to distinguish between different kinds of literature. The author shows us this by comparing two forms of literature; Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, which resembles an autobiography and a poem by Robert Burns – ‘My love is like a red, red rose’ which isn’t like a Shakespearean poem.

      By drawing this inference the author is showcasing two different forms of literature and showing the readers that literature isn’t bound to a specific form of writing. Two completely different forms of writing can be put in the same category and still be classified as literature. It’s important to think of what the definition of literature is because we are surrounded by literature by it daily. There’s really not one specific way to define literature and we all have our own different interpretations of it, which only makes it much more important and unique. 


2.        The question that stayed with me while reading this chapter was what classifies a piece of writing as literature? Since there’s really no certain way a literature piece is written or written about a certain thing, how can you determine what is literature and what isn’t? 


Blog post #1

  1. After reading Chapter two of Jonathan Culler’s Literary Theory, the most important aspect of this section of the chapter is the definition of literature and how to define it. the author defines literature is not only the written word, but it is a speech act or textual event that makes it unique and worthy of attention. according to Culler, “literature is an institutional label that gives us reason to expect that the results of our reading efforts will be ‘worth it’”. the author defines literature is not only the written word, but it is a speech act or textual event that makes it unique and worthy of attention. the important for thinking about definitions of literature is literature has the ability to build on itself. literature encourages civility and education, as well as solitary study, it also encourages new avenues of thought which can lead to action. As a college student, I would say this student who studies literature and read for pleasure has a higher vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and better communication skills, such as writing ability which is the golden key to open the door of the new world.
  2.  This question has been bothering me after reading this chapter: “why literature is so difficult to define?”

What is literature and does it matter?

According to “What is literature and does it matter” from chapter 2 which written by Jonathan Culler, I have already had a bit of comprehension about literature. I think it is a vital way for us to grab more things from literature. literature plays an important role around us and it is presented in front of us through various forms such as plays, poetry and novels. Because as development of human society, language use is also upgrading today. Besides the same function of conveying information and knowledge as non-literary does, literature might reflect deeply meaningful issues towards humans through displaying a sense of art which deriving from delicate treatment of words. The expression variations involve rhetoric, grammar, structure and so on. Due to particularity or meaning of literature, it could get people’s attention to think hard about it and lead people to explore more unknown information. The process of thinking and researching benefit human development in linguistic ability which making words vivid and powerful and in logical thinking.

The question that stayed with me is “What factors we need to take into account before creating a literary work?”

What is literature and does it matter

  1. After reading the chapter “what is literature and does it matter” written by Jonathan Culler, in my opinion, the most important aspect of this section is the diversity of the literature. As Culler talked about the weed story, “Weed are simply plants that gardeners don’t want to have growing in their gardens”(23). It indicates that which plants are weed depending on the gardener’s own preference. When differentiating literature and non-literature works, the standard also depends on a group’s preference. Thus, different people from difference culture background may have different opinions on determining whether a work is literature or non-literature. As a result, it makes literature varies from places to places, which form the diversity of literature. Besides, as Culler claimed, most of literature works seem to ” have more in common with works that aren’t usually called literature than they do with some other works recognized as literature”(21), which i believe is also one of the factors that makes literature diverse.    From this chapter, i learned that even some texts can be treated as or changed into literature form. As literature is common in our daily lives, knowing about the definition of literature is important. It enables us to differentiate literature and non-literature.
  2. One question that stayed with me as i read this chapter is that “when reading a literature work, different people may have different opinions on its implicit meanings, which maybe not the same as the author aimed to express. Is it matter? Is there only one correct interpretation?

What is literature and does it matter?

After reading chapter 2 “what is literature and does it matter,”  Jonathan Culler doesn’t tell us what the definition of literature is, he just makes some examples in some aspects to make readers to know literature. I think the most important aspect of this section of the chapter is to understand literacy and non-literacy correctly. Reflection is a necessary factor in literature. Non-literacy is easy for people to understand, and not to ask questions. “But ‘thing’ in the phrase ‘a curious thing’ is not a physical object but something like a relation or aspect which doesn’t seem to exist in the same way that a stone or a house does”, it indicates that the writer describes the object vaguely that he writes, so that reader can not understand and point out what the object is. People are likely to get more information and want to know more,  they also are curious about implicit meanings of literature.

One question that stays with me is that “What is involved in treating things as literature in our culture?”


Blog post Prompt #1

While reading chapter II what is Literature and Does it matter? By Jonathan Culler, I believe that the most important aspect is when Culler shows the distinction between literature and not-literary. I come to know that literature is not only the words that simply written but it has a separate quality which makes it different and valuable attention. Some of the good literature ‘My  Love is like a red, red rose’ a poem by Robert Burns, and ‘Hamlet’  a play by William Shakespeare that distinguishes from songs and autobiographies.  And also I come to know how the content is very important, in the same way, it is important that how you write a work.  Even the literature has the quality of creating the fiction world, that takes the reader in the imaginary world to narrate the work done. Moreover, literature has the quality of encouraging creative thought that makes people politeness and educated. In addition, literature helps people understand their thoughts and how to express their thoughts in front of the world.


After reading this chapter, only the Question that comes in my mind is what role literature can play in the real life of a person? Can we ignore the literature?

Blog Post #1

  1. In chapter 2 by Jonathan Culler, literacy helps us to understand the story on a historical basis. Literature is not an easier word to explain. But, the author mentions examples by explaining the difference between words and the important meaning in certain texts. Culler accepts that history has molded the definition so that it applies to a larger number of types of composing than simply account and true to life, rather any bit of composing with a structure, and a natural capacity to be dissected could be viewed as a literacy work. That is harder to perceive, the same number of them are general, as expressed already. Scholarly Shows are surely a quality that separates writing from different types of composing. Culler reasons that how you compose a work is similarly as significant as the substance. The idea of writing is likewise significant, due to their interesting structure and capacity numerous kinds of verses are immediately unmistakable; this makes the writing. However, Literature can likewise be stylishly satisfying; individuals frequently banter about the excellence of the writing word. Culler closes the part by reminding the peruser that researchers look at the idea of writing to all the more likely sharpen the devices of their exchange, and know the medium with which they accomplish their work. I believe that addressing writing assists perusers with bettering comprehend the idea of inventiveness and their own capacity to communicate. 
  2. One question that stayed in my mind while reading – Why is historical literacy important?

What is literature and does it matter?

  1. After I read the chapter “What is literature and does it matter?” by Johnathan Culler, in my opinion, the most significant aspect of this section is that we should not look through non-literary works with colored eyes, and both literary and non-literary works need to be treated equally. To some extent, they all function well to express and convey authors’ feelings and thoughts. Alike Culler has discussed in the very beginning of the section, “For students and teachers of literature today, there is a whole range of critical projects, topics to read and write about- such as ‘images of women in the early 20th century’-where you can deal with both literary and non-literary works”. It indicates that nowadays, universities carry out the model that combines literary works with non-literary works to explain literature related problems. In the modern time, the primary work we keep in touch with is non-literary works since it makes more senses for us to understand compared with literary works. Moreover, Culler also addresses that to some extent, non-literary texts will be transformed into literary works. He took an sentence from a philosophy book, “A curious thing/about the ontological problem is its/simplicity.” Even though the essence of this sentence is not considered as literary work, it still attracts attentions due to an interest in the word, their relations to each other, etc. As far as I am concerned, it is vital to think of the definition of literature since it is everywhere in our lives. We can find it no matter where we go. Even a small piece of text will have chance to be considered as literature even though the essence of it is not.

2. When I went through the first pages of this chapter, the question which always stays with me is that “What distinguishing characteristics can distinguish works known as literary from those are non-literary?”