Author Archives: luqi.sun


In “Raisins in the Sun”, the hero Walter Lee in this drama is a typical black male image. As a black man, just like his other African ancestors, he encounters inequality in American social life everywhere. Treatment, living at the bottom of the society, living in distress; as an American, like other Americans, he has his “American Dream”-to become a successful, wealthy and admired man and improve the living conditions of his family. This “dual identity and dual consciousness determines that they must face two traditions, namely their own African cultural traditions and Western cultural traditions. The former is their cultural origin, while the latter is their reality of existence.” The collision and conflict of two identities and two consciousnesses makes black men like Walter Lee fall into an identity crisis. As men, their masculinity also faces the threat of being “castrated” due to racial discrimination and economic difficulties. Therefore, they urgently want to prove the existence of their masculinity in some way to gain self-identity.

The author Hans Bailey Lorraine provides two ways to seek identity. One is to improve economic conditions and promote social status in order to gain self-affirmation and social identity; the other is to trace the history of black people in order to be in history. To find a sense of belonging in order to obtain a certain rather than erratic identity.

In American society, due to the disadvantaged position of blacks in society, it is difficult for blacks to fundamentally change their situation through the improvement of their economic status before changing the chronic illness of white supremacy and white centrism. Like the protagonist Walter Lee in “Raisins in the Sun”, black men question and lose themselves because of the embarrassment of life and the blow of reality. However, by recognizing their position in the long history, black men can also find their own sense of belonging, liberate the sealed masculinity, and gain self-identity.

post #6

The comprehensive dual logical structure predicted by Melville in his thought: the exploration of this abstract solution to life problems is one of the idols in the closet. Melville’s synthesis is embodied in behavior and deeds. In his early adult years, he wandered around the world, estimated to survive under the stars, and was busy working on a boat. His environment, his experience, and his important relationships were all a single whole.

I think we have to sympathize with that era. The era created people, and people in turn created the era. In addition, I think the author described it from a positive perspective. For example, when Melville was summoned among the whalers, he died several games Yes, the lie expresses the universality of this effort, which connects nature and culture, reality and meaning, fact and form.


I want to discuss the film “Forrest Gump” in this movie, the director Cai used

In the film “Forrest Gump”, the protagonist Forrest Gump plays the narrator of the story. The author and the audience are both characters outside the film. The film’s narrative structure has improved from the linear narrative structure in the original novel. The audience will not think that the protagonist Forrest Gump narrates his own life experience after experiencing various life situations. The difference is that the story’s narrator The protagonist, Forrest Gump, lives in the story, and is not placed outside the story. When he recalled his life experience, he was still waiting at the bus stop in the film, looking forward to meeting his lover and good friend Jenny. He is always in the life of the story. After he narrated his life experience, he followed the old lady’s route and started rushing to Jenny’s home. At this time, the film changed from flashback to regular narrative, and the film was about to come to an end. Gradually, from A-Gump’s figure, the audience feels that when A-Gump is dragging his tired body towards his son in the film, the audience appears in it, feeling that they have gone through the various states of life and want to stop and rest. This place makes people feel warm and kind. The narrator of the film is always in the story, and some viewers have a deep understanding of the main content of the film.


I very much agree with the author’s point of view. The narration of a story largely determines whether the characters can be brought in. A good narrative can make people immersive. The world outlined by the author can bring us in. This kind of narrative can Meaning makes us more understand and feel some emotions. Also makes it more real

blog post#4

Through reading, I summarized some of the things I learned, and I feel very useful to myself. In this chapter, Culler aims to define poetry and rhetoric by quoting the difference and connection between poetry and rhetoric. He first praised Aristotle for being the first to separate the two, rhetoric is the art of persuasion, and poetry is the art of imitating. The two forms were integrated and separated several times in history, and it was not until the late twentieth century that rhetoric began to be used as a “study of the structural force of discourse.” On the other hand, poetry is considered “a language that makes full use of powerful and persuasive speech and language. Poetry is a medium through which the poet aims to express this meaning. As Culler defines, poetry can pass many Viewed in a different way, poetry can be viewed through the relationship between the author and the speaker. As mentioned earlier, rhetoric and poetry are closely linked. In poetry, rhetoric is used to exaggerate and sometimes exaggerate human experience. Culler means to Different levels of rhetorical forms treat poetry. Poetry is just a “poetic exploration” through the use of these rhetorical devices, and in their basic sense, they are an attempt to create meaning from our experience. The definition can also be through speech The relationship between the reader and the reader

Blog Post#3

By reading the fourth chapter of Culler, I learned some of the relationships between language and meaning. I found that the meaning of language is its usage. When used in different contexts, different words have different meanings. As culler mentioned “a word. We can say that dance means “rhythmic and regular movement”, but what does this sentence mean?” It has both superficial and deep meanings. Therefore, when we are reading or studying, we must analyze and connect the semantic meaning of the context to analyze what the author wants to say and what it means. In life too, we have to analyze what others want to express based on the context of the time. The relationship between language art, language, and meaning makes me very interested in research and learning.


In the beginning, I didn’t realize that there are so many kinds of literature. When I read this article, I found it interesting that literature is also divided into so many kinds. I think the article is very good. We can’t just look at it from a professional point of view. Some non-literary works will also record a lot of real things, so we must consider literature comprehensively.


一    I learned some knowledge after reading the second chapter. For example, looking at literature depends on how you look at it and what you learned from it. Literature also has many characteristics like language organization and supplementary levels, separation from the real context, the fictional relationship of the world, and the headline that can be placed on the aesthetic function of language (33) is the correct literature.

At the same time, I also realize that both literary and non-literary works are worth studying because they all have points of inquiry that we can learn. It may not be very comprehensive to explore multiple aspects instead of blindly studying literature. So in short, literature can be understood as a model of historical intelligibility.

Through the following reading, I also found that literature can be understood in many ways:

1 is everything a contemporary society treats literature (22)

2 When language is separated from other contexts and other purposes, it can be interpreted as literature (though it must have some inherent qualities) (26)

3 Literature is to analyze a group and interpret the author may bring these texts (28)

4Literature is an institutional standard. It gives us reason to expect that our monthly result is worthwhile (28)

二    What I cannot help asking is, should we also explore if literary records or theories conflict with non-literary works? Because maybe literary record theory may not be comprehensive and true sometimes?

Luqi’ introduction

Hello everyone, my name is luqi .sun and I come from the north of China. my major is cs and I have been to school in LaGuardia for two years. I like sports, such as playing basketball, running, and fitness. I like to drive because I feel very free and can see a lot of beautiful scenery. I have learned a lot in the two years since I came to the United States, and my life is very rich. I hope I can learn more. Make your life better in the future

Hope I get good grades in this class