Blog Post #2

Chaewon Lee

Cullers’ take on the different angles of literature was thought-provoking and the angle I found to be the most useful and interesting was his explanation of literature as intertextual or self-reflexive construct. I found this to be the most interesting because Culler mentions, “Literature is a practice in which authors attempt to advance or renew literature and thus is always implicitly a reflection on literature itself” (35). I recognize with his statement that as target demographics change over time, authors modernize existing literary works to keep up with modern vocabulary and current matters. What I find even more interesting is that early literary works such as, The Phantom of the Opera which was first performed in 1986 is still playing in theaters decades later because composers have reworked the play to be a significant play even now. I believe it is useful for literary works to undergo transformation and renew so we can appreciate classic literature in the present without losing the works significance and art.

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