Author Archives: Mohammad Alam

Blog post #7

In the play, “The Raisin in the Sun” by Hansberry, he has tried to create a plot that will give a proper understanding of each character’s current status. He uplifted the tragic story of people’s lives during racial segregation and what are the difficulties they had to face. The plot is centred around the story of the character Walter and his family, and the hard times they were facing in their society due to their skin colour. The family was struggling with the financial statement since they did not get enough opportunity in their society. Walter was a selfish person and he always believed that money will cover the gap between white and black people in society. He does not take any responsibility for his family members and his mother has to do the hard work for the family to provide a good house for them. At the end of the story, Walter realizes that money will not buy him status and pride in society and money is not the most important thing in this world.

Blog post #5

In chapter 6, “Narrative” Jonathon Culler discusses the important parts of the story which are important to make the story stand out to the audience and the readers. According to Aristotle, a story should have a beginning, middle and end, and the plot is the main focus of the story rather than individual characters. When writing a tragedy, Aristotle also said that a tragedy should have the plot changing from good to bad but not from bad to good, thus the tragedy will be more interesting to the audience. In all the books that I have read in my life, I have always noticed that the plot starts from something good and continues to progress towards tragic events. Eventually, in the end, the plot will come to a resolution.

Blog post #1

After reading the chapter, “What is literature and does it matter?” by Jonathon Culler, I was able to understand how he defines that the literature can be used in many ways and can have different meanings based on the context of the literature. Literature includes poems, songs, verses, etc and there can be multiple interpretations of literature. People are not bound to believe in one kind of interpretation and everyone can explore the literary meanings and can make different interpretations and relations based on their understanding.

Blog post #4

In this chapter of “Rhetoric, poetics, and poetry”, Jonathon Culler discusses different metaphors, poetical and rhetorical language techniques when it comes to writing any literary pieces. The use of metaphor is very common in literary writings as it helps in getting a full understanding of the text. Writers use metaphors in almost all poems to give the poem more depth and explanation. For example, in the poem, “Diving Into The Wreck”, the author Adrienne Rich included metaphorical phrases to compare our real lives with stories written in books.

Whenever we are trying to compare one thing with another, it is good to use metaphors so the readers will be able to understand the comparisons that have been shown there.

Blog post #6

After reading the novella “Benito Cereno” by the author Herman Melville, I grasped the idea that the novella is written from the perspective of Captain Delano and another unknown narrator. The use of two different points of view in the story has set up a mysterious and suspensible plot which kind of foreshadows what might happen in the future of the story. In the story, Don Benito was trying to save his slaves from any harm, but Captain Delano thought that Benito could be a potential threat to the slaves. While Don Benito was trying his best to save the slaves, he was being threatened by a servant named Babo, who was pushing other black slaves to start a revolution. In order to stop this chaos from happening, Don Benito decided to ally with Babo. In general, enslavement is portrayed as the worst thing in the nation’s history. However, this story has portrayed both the perspective of a person who is not a slave but is struggling for the slaves and the slaves who are trying to start a revolution to fight for their freedom. Even being a captivator of the slaves, Don Benito was looking after his slaves and he was making sure that nothing could cause a war to happen among the black slaves, despite his physical criticalities.

Blog Post #3

After reading chapter 4 of “Literature, Meaning and Interpretation” by Jonathon Culler, I have discovered the relationship between language and the context of the book. Language can be various based on different contexts and contexts are limitless as well. Every write uses different contexts to portray their message in a better way and they use different languages with different meanings. One of the things that really stood out to me was how the words can have different meanings and connotations based on the context of the story and how they convey different messages in the story.

Blog Post #2

In chapter 2 of “What is Literature and Does it Matter?” by Jonathon Culler, he defines literature from different angles and believes that literature can be shaped in various ways depending on everyone’s individual choices. when talking about fictional literature, Culler has mentioned that these types of literature give more freedom to the reader to make their own imagination and understanding instead of forcing only one explanation to the readers. As Culler has said that the meaning of every fictional reading “explicitly leaves open the question of what the fiction is really about”. This proves that the reader gets to make build their own context fo the reading through their understanding. some fictions even leave the ending for the readers to make their own ending story instead of informing them everything points by points.