Author Archives: Bryan Mendoza

Blog Post #4

In Chapter 5 of “Rhetoric, poetics, and poetry”, one of the rhetorical figures Jonathan Culler describes is metaphors, which are used to compare two things together, which can help the reader visualize what they’re reading.

There was a part in the poem “Diving Into The Wreck” by Adrienne Rich that included a metaphor, that being “the thing I came for: the wreck and not the story of the wreck the thing itself and not the myth” This to me is a comparison between the real life and what we’re told about it, like in books/articles. We want to experience the wreck for ourselves, the wreck being real life, and the myth would be what we’ve been told about it, like we’ve been told in books/articles. We can’t fully understand what we’ve been told until we experience it for ourselves. Living through something is a completely different experience that reading about it, and you feel more emotions,

Blog Post #2

After reading Chapter 2 of Jonathan Culler’s “What is Literature and Does It Matter” the point that stuck out to me was when he mentioned fiction. Fiction can be complex, so many things can happen in works of fiction, it can originate from our everyday life, our imagination/dreams, etc. It can open many doors to writing many different kinds of books/ readings. It takes creativity to make readings based on fiction and it also requires the reader’s full attention, as reading fiction can really be really immersive, which is why fiction is what I love to read most.

Blog Post #3

In “Literature, Meaning, and Interpretation” the idea that most strikes me as interesting regarding the relationship between language and meaning was, meaning and context/ intention. There’s so many types of literature and all of them can be interpreted in different ways by different people, an author could write something with one intention and meaning, but the reader can view it a completely different way and change it up. In doing that, the reading can also be expanded upon and made into a new thing, and that can again be interpreted in a different way and it can keep continuing.

Blog Post #1

  1. In the Literary Theory by John Culler, in the first 10 pages of the chapter, I’d argue that the most important part of this whole chapter is that he never really gave a concrete answer as to what literature is. He mentioned multiple examples of literature and also talked about how people who are professionals in the field of literature find it difficult to come up with a definitive answer as to what literature, since it is so complex. It’s important to think about the definitions of literature because if we know more, we can teach more people what we’ve learned, and we can probably expand upon what we already have.
  2.  The question I kept having as I read the text was “What is literature” I know there is no concrete answer but I was still thinking that and I would like to know one day

Hey Everyone!

My name is Bryan Mendoza, and I’m a freshman student (so 18yrs old) at Laguardia Community College, my major is Nutrition and Culinary Management, as I want become a pastry chef in the future. A few things about myself are that, I enjoy playing video games, watching cooking videos, reading (mostly graphic novels), and listening to music, I’m not all that interesting, Also these are three of my all time favorite songs: