Literature is something that is posted and or talked about by different people. As you may have guessed or know some may think of it as a journal or maybe something that we could be doing which a blog , and it could be classified as a poem as many would do.
Literature can be transformed into many things to defined and help the reader to understand the purpose of the author’s method and logic of how he would want the readers to understand him/her . It may not be in everyone interest to like what ever the author speaks about but understand the topicĀ furthermore interested into the author and some of the other kinds of literature the author wrote or spoke about ,
It may not matter to other but it could matter to “you” about literature and what is the purpose of it and why people could be interested in it, which could be for many reasons. I would say depending on what type of literature and author’s that grab your attention literature could make a big difference to anyone.