My name is Bryan Mendoza, and I’m a freshman student (so 18yrs old) at Laguardia Community College, my major is Nutrition and Culinary Management, as I want become a pastry chef in the future. A few things about myself are that, I enjoy playing video games, watching cooking videos, reading (mostly graphic novels), and listening to music, I’m not all that interesting, Also these are three of my all time favorite songs:
Hello, Bryan Mendoza, I am Estefania Jaquez I’m from the Dominican Republic, and my major is Psychology.
When I was reading you introduction I found interesting that you want to become a chef. I love to cook too, and I am always watching cooking videos on youtube of how to make different things. That is one thing that I saw that we have in common as well as listing to music.
Hi Bryan, welcome to the class. Thanks for posting these videos!