Hello Everyone! (pengzhi huo)

Hi! My name is Pengzhi Huo. This is the second time that I take ENG class with professor Paul Fess. I have to say that my writing skill has been improved through his course, and I also learned many things from his class that was not available in other courses. For example, in his ENG101 class, I got to know more about European art and literature. I am majoring in business administration, the reason why I am choosing a business is that my parents are doing very successful business and I find many meaningful things in doing business with others which might increase my value and gain some true fortune. Respect to others is my value, this is very important to my success, when you live by your values, you feel better about yourself and are more focused on doing the things that are important to you, also, in my words respect to others which is this gold key to open the door of the successful business. I am very interested in physical exercises, and I deeply believe this might bring huge benefits to a person’s career. I exercise four times a week two hours a day, it doesn’t occupy much of my time, instead, it brings tremendous benefits, I could have a fresh mind and gain some confidence, which can help me to deal with daily issues and improve my academic studies to a large extent. My goal is to transfer to NYU as majoring in business administration Because NYU has the best business school -Stern School of Business. And there have many available resources inside the campus, which might help me to find a meaningful job in the future. I believe that through my hard work this is not a difficulty.

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