
After reading chapter II, “What is literature, and does it matter?” by Jonathan Culler, the point I was interested in was “Literature as fiction”. For me, the reason why fiction is interesting is there must be some parts connected to reality lives, they can be the political situation, the current events of the day even a war, hidden in author’s  writing , but the fiction creates difference and the new worlds , the difference with reality unleashes the imagination of the reader and which can make us, the reader, to follow the character or the time to figure out what happen. I think that is why reading research texts is boring, they lack a creativity and some literary beautification.

1 thought on “Blog#2

  1. Tereza Koniakovska - Bors

    Hello Jinrui, I like your post and actually completely agree with you. It is always about the attraction of the story or language and perception of the reader. The research texts are much less interesting than some interesting book where you can, as you said: “Unleashes the imagination of the reader”.

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