blog post2

After reading chapter II, “What is literature, and does it matter?” by Jonathan Culler. In the passage of the nature of literature, culler gives After reading chapter II, “What is literature, and does it matter?” by Jonathan Culler. In the passage of the nature of literature, culler gives us five points of literature, which are: literature as the foregrounding of language, literature as the integration of language, literature as fiction, literature as an aesthetic object, and literature as intertextual. One of the points that I have read that I was interested in was, the literature as fiction. In the passage it depicts how stories of fiction give us a feeling of human emotion/trauma. In stories like Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet, emotions like love, death, fear, pride ensue. Reading fictional book gives us a type of feeling that vicariously allows us into the story, watching it first hand. With every page we read, it gives us the emotion of curiosity as we see what is unfolding and what is being foreshadowed.