Blog post #5

         When I started writing a few years ago, I found that it is difficult to be the narrator of a story because you are the one who creates heroes, places, and stories from your imagination. It is hard to imagine all of this at the same time to present a story that has a good plot. I admit that it was hard at the beginning, but it became easier with training. My first successful writing was a short fictional story that tells about a couple returning at one night with their car when a fire broke out in the forest near them. The husband rushed to rescue the injured, but after he returned he started to search for his missing wife. The plot of the whole story was to find out where the wife disappeared. I wish I could share my story with you, but it is in arabic language. 

        I agree with Culler that the narration is what makes the meaning in the stories. Also, I see that the main purpose for the stories is to give readers pleasure, knowledge and desire to explore more than what they live in their daily life. The narrative of any story can take you off to another land to live with its sadness, its happiness and with all the life in it. It makes people more social and more understanding of what real life can do for them and what it takes from them. Finally any fictional story with a good plot makes us know new personalities that we will not be able to recognize in real life, because fiction always takes us where we wish to be.