In chapter 6 “Narrative” by Jonathan culler has discussed the essential parts of any story and that is the plot and discourse. He says that the plot is a story having the beginning, middle, and ending with the ordering. but the discourse is how it delivered, like the selection of style to present.
A movie called ” The Giver ” originally taken from the novel “The Giver ” by Lois Lowry. The story tells that the artificial society, where there is no pain, violence, and no problems. Only the perfect society but there is a giver who holds the power to see beyond and ordinary people can not see. And the giver is trying to bring the truth that there is more to see than this artificial perfect society. At last, the giver managed to help the people to see the beyond and make a feel of living and enjoying what nature offers to them. After reading chapter 6 “Narrative” I analyze this movie. I find that the movies have their beginning, middle, and perfect ending. I like the style of the author how he takes the story smoothly from beginning to end.
Culler has mentioned that the narrative gives pleasure to its people and hold their attention by giving a new twist to a familiar situation. In addition, the pleasure of the narrative is linked to desire. stories help people to gain knowledge of its surrounding as well as the whole world. Stories help us to see reality and what’s happing in the world.
I agree with you. “Narrative” stories are the main way to sense the thing considering of our lives as a movement driving to some places or telling ourself whats happening in the world.
Hello Kushal, I also agree with you. Even many cultures are passing stories from generation to the next one. I believe that Narratives are not only providing knowledge but also opening our minds.