Blog Post #2 “Literature as Aesthetic Object”

In the article What is literature and does it Matter? written by Jonathan Culler, I learned many important things regarding literature. Culler discusses definitions of literature from different angles or aspects. In my opinion, one of the most important angle is “Literature As Aesthetic Object” The aesthetic function of language dealt or went around the various levels of linguistic organization, the separation from practical context of utterance, it deviates from it real meaning or idea and the fictional relation to the world. 

Further, aesthetic also refers to the theory of art and has involved debates about whether beauty is an objective property of a work of arts or a subjective response of the viewers and about the relation of the beautiful to the true and the good. 

Aesthetic is also the name of the attempt to bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual world, between a world of forces and magnitudes and a world of concepts the combination, of sensuous forms (color, sounds), the spiritual content may bring together the material and the spiritual side.