Blog post #2

In the part of the lecture“The nature of literature.” Culler defines “literature” from several angles. Culler indicates the nature of literature is important, because of their unique structure and function many types of poetry are instantly recognizable and this makes them literature. Culler divided nature into five specific factors: literature as the ‘foregrounding ‘of language, as an integration of language, as a fiction, as an aesthetic object, and as an intertextual. literature creates a “fictional world” in which the reader can touch the complex narrative woven using different techniques. According to “one reason why readers attend to literature differently is that its utterances have a special to the world”, this further illustrates the importance of the relationship between literature and readers. There is a famous saying that “ There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. Therefor, the angle of literature which interests me is that literature creates a “fictional world”, for example, when I read a book called “ordinary world” by Lu Yao, many golden memories are created from the depth of my mind, those happy memories can’t describe by a single word. In the end, the fictionality of literature is very important to readers, it leaves the work’s relation to the world open to interpretation.