Blog Post #2

Culler came up with five points theorists about the nature of literature as well as the literature as the foregrounding of language, literature as the integration of language, literature as fiction, literature as aesthetic object, and literature as intertextual. I found the most interesting and useful is “Literature as fiction,” as the book states that “The literary work is a linguistic event which projects a fictional world that includes speaker, actors, events, and an implied audience.” meaning that the audience is who takes shape through the work’s decisions about what must be explained and what the audience presumed to know. In my opinion, the literature as fiction is what refers to imaginary scenarios which are not limited to characters and events. Also, I think that the fiction writers do a great literature work, by letting them develop their experience of thinking into the imaginary world. Finally, as I said before they create events, actors, audiences, and places in the perfect organized unreal society that is not related to historical events.