Author Archives: Sukhvir Kaur

Blog post #7

In “A Raisin in the Sun Act I” by Lorraine Hansberry mentions about the younger family lives in a confined, swarmed apartment that is obviously excessively little for its five inhabitants in one of the less fortunate areas of Southside Chicago. Walter Lee needs to put Mama’s $10,000 insurance check in a liquor store adventure with two of his companions. In light of her strict feelings against alcohol drinking, Mama is uninterested in Walter’s fantasy about getting rich rapidly with this plan. Ruth, Walter’s better half, is so depleted from exhaust that she also is unsympathetic to Walter’s fixation on target. Mom clarifies that portion of the check will go toward Beneatha’s education in medical school. Toward the start of the play, money is the point of convergence of everybody’s discussion, prompting contentions and making a state of mind of contention. Walter leaves for his driver’s work, and Travis leaves for school. Ruth gets ready for her occupation as a cleaning lady as Mama censures Beneatha about her new talk. Toward the finish of the scene, Mama finds that Ruth has swooned and tumbled to the floor. The next morning, Saturday, is the day that the check is relied upon to show up. Beneatha and Mama are occupied with doing end of the week housecleaning when Ruth comes in, reporting tragically that she is pregnant. Mother is vexed when she understands that Ruth is pondering a premature birth. Joseph Asagai presents to Beneatha A gift of African records and some Nigerian robes. After he leaves, Travis acquires the protection check from the letter box, and Walter takes advantage of this occasion to examine his field-tested strategies once more. Mom, notwithstanding, disregards Walter similarly that Walter prior overlooked Ruth’s endeavors to educate him concerning her pregnancy. Mama in the long run must be the one to educate him regarding Ruth’s problem and is astonished that his craving for the money eclipses his anxiety for both Ruth and his unborn kid.

Blog post#6

Herman Melville portrays Benito Cereno,who has figured out how to spare his everyday routine and assumes a huge function to spare his kindred Spanish who made due from the disease and the constraint of the slaves in the Novella. Delano was a rich-experienced white commander who made the uprising fizzled. Babo was ultimately executed as per the law, and Benito was later dead because of mental pressure and torment. The author portrays subjugation as something that is ordinary by communicating his anxiety about what has befalling the mariners rather denouncing the act of subjection. Also, the writer communicates a sort of demeanor against subjection through the conspicuous division of highly contrasting characters and the depiction of their exceptional societal position in that time of servitude. It shows that what the dark slaves needed was just a free and non-oppressive life. I comprehend that the objective of the slaves in San Dominic transport was not to execute Benito Cereno and the mariners but rather to be reclaimed to Africa, especially Senegal to recuperate their opportunity. Simultaneously, the creator additionally utilized Benito, who once had the function of expert, to communicate his job move from expert to slave. A decent delineation of how bondage and race separation ought not exist. Delano actually had a feeling of inborn predominance over the skin color and that is a profound impact from a drawn out subjection social foundation.

Blog Post# 5

1. In my writing, the leading point is plot and discourse. When I started writing, I thought of my writing structure and, also there are many difficulties that I face as a writer. I am writing to represent one of my brother’s life events. My brother, Bawanjot, needs to purchase a little dog. He goes to the pound and starts glancing through the cages for his future dog. Toward the finish of the cages, he sees a little, sweet earthy colored dog with a white spot on its nose. Immediately, he realizes he needs to adopt him. After the dog gets shots and a clinical check, he and the dog, Sky, return home together. In this example, the composition acquaints us with my brother and his contention. He needs a doggy yet doesn’t have one. The rising activity happens as he enters the pound and starts looking. The peak is the point at which he sees the dog he had always wanted and chooses to adopt him. At the end, my brother and his dog joyfully head home. The plot is the thing that makes a story. It gives the story character advancement, tension, energy, and passionate delivery. It permits a creator to create subjects and above all, contention that makes a story sincerely captivating; everyone realizes that it is so difficult to quit viewing a film before the contention is settled. Discourse is the principle power which works behind a wide range of human exercises and changes in social texture; while Innovators property discourse to advancement and progress. 

2. Culler starts by determining what stories are. Stories are the manner in which we sort out things; life doesn’t just have a circumstances and logical results relationship. Stories can be centered through one character both in first person as what they watched or in third individual yet from a third person restricted perspective. Untrustworthy narration is an outcome from impediment in point of view. In the ending, Culler’s main focus is pleasure. They can give another twist to natural circumstances. Pleasure is connected to desire and when story is driven, a craving to know, we need to find the mysteries inside the portrayal, we need to know the end, to discover reality.

Blog post #4

   In the chapter 4, Jonathan Culler mentions to characterize both poetry and rhetoric referring to both their disparities and the manners by which they are associated. He starts by acknowledging Aristotle as the person who originally isolated the two, rhetoric being the craft of influence and poetry being the specialty of impersonation. Culler proceeds the four most significant that scholars: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. There are clearly a lot more interesting expressions that are significant in both poetry and rhetoric, however these four are important to understand the poem. In the poem “Diving into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich, the rhetoric technique used. In the seventh paragraph, the speaker clarifies that what she truly needs is to discover the genuine state of the boat, which may not be equivalent to what she has perused or found out about it. The tried and true way of thinking about the boat may just be a legend. Not long before she shows up at the disaster area, she pictures to herself the likeness of a female face that was cut on the fore of the old cruising transport, which consistently looked upward, and she thinks about the harm the disaster area has gone through in all the years it has spent submerged, with only a skeleton of its structure remaining. As recently expressed, rhetoric is firmly connected to poetry. In poetry, rhetorical are utilized to misrepresent and in some cases hyperbolize the human experience. Culler intends to treat poems on an unexpected level in comparison to different types of rhetoric. 

Blog Post #3

After reading chapter 4 ‘Language, Meaning and Interpretation’ by Jonathan Culler, there are three measurements of meaning: the first being the significance of a word, an expression, and a book. The subsequent measurement tends to the potential implications of words that add to the importance of an articulation, which is a demonstration by the speaker. The content, something the writer has built, and its importance isn’t a recommendation however what it does, its capability to influence perusers is the third measurement. All things considered, it is essential to take a gander at the entire picture while perusing a book, the strict language utilized, however why that particular language was utilized versus some other number of words. It is extremely unlikely of indicating that there are considerations of one language that can’t be thought or communicated in another, however, we do have proof that one language makes ‘common’ or ‘ordinary’ contemplations that require a unique exertion in another. This can likewise be separated by the sounds words make and the implications of each word, in light of the fact that the sound is comparative doesn’t imply that the word is. The meaning is the thing that somebody expects the peruser to understand. At times the importance is in the content and different occasions the setting is the thing that decides to mean. The significance of work to someone, in particular, may not be what the essayist proposed, and can vary among people. On the off chance that we need to concoct an understanding and, we need to convince others of its relevance. Which means is the experience of a subject and a property of a book.

Blog Post #2

In my experience, the most interesting and useful part of ‘The nature of literature’ by Jonathan Culler is ‘Literature as the integration of the language’ because it help us to find different components and segments of the content in the literature. It functional when sentences are not sound correctly and also when two different words bring their implications into connection. According to Jonathan Culler, “A rhyme, by bringing two words together (‘suppose/knows’), brings their meanings into relation (is ‘knowing’ the opposite of ‘supposing’?).” In this way the connection between words are useful, like in writing there are relation of every word and that make sense when we read a sentence. To consider something as writing it’s important to look at that association or organization of its language, not to consider as the statement of its creator’s mind.

Blog Post #1

  1. In chapter 2 by Jonathan Culler, literacy helps us to understand the story on a historical basis. Literature is not an easier word to explain. But, the author mentions examples by explaining the difference between words and the important meaning in certain texts. Culler accepts that history has molded the definition so that it applies to a larger number of types of composing than simply account and true to life, rather any bit of composing with a structure, and a natural capacity to be dissected could be viewed as a literacy work. That is harder to perceive, the same number of them are general, as expressed already. Scholarly Shows are surely a quality that separates writing from different types of composing. Culler reasons that how you compose a work is similarly as significant as the substance. The idea of writing is likewise significant, due to their interesting structure and capacity numerous kinds of verses are immediately unmistakable; this makes the writing. However, Literature can likewise be stylishly satisfying; individuals frequently banter about the excellence of the writing word. Culler closes the part by reminding the peruser that researchers look at the idea of writing to all the more likely sharpen the devices of their exchange, and know the medium with which they accomplish their work. I believe that addressing writing assists perusers with bettering comprehend the idea of inventiveness and their own capacity to communicate. 
  2. One question that stayed in my mind while reading – Why is historical literacy important?



My name is Sukhvir Kaur. This is my second year at Laguardia Community College. My major is Biology. Before joining the college, I did GED. The things that motivate me are my love of learning new concepts, compassionate desire to help others in any way I can, and desire to overcome my humble beginnings to become a success in life. My hobbies are reading books, listening to old and new composition music, and watching historical documentaries. I also love to go outside but nowadays, I’m staying at home doing housework and spending time with my family. Also, I like to exploring nature because I love a place where I can be left alone with my thoughts. I always try to work hard so that I can achieve my desired goals of life.