“What is Literature and Does it Matter?”

In chapter 2 of “What is Literature and Does it Matter?” by Jonathan Culler, he characterizes the literature from different points. but I found the angle of the literature as a fictional the most interesting point. The literature relies on speaker, actors, events, and an implied audience (an audience that takes shape through the work’s decisions about what must be explained and what the audience is presumed to know)”. Because of this, people analyze an see the literature differently. It is not just about what the author angle but the audience experience also. And the time frame plays a significant role in what message you will receive. In addition, what are your culture and the environment that you raised? All these angles combined impact the conclusion you would have. So the author might express ideas but the imagination of the audience would conclude differently.

I also feel fiction helps us dive deeper to understands what behinds the literature.

Arabic is my first language and I have studied Arabic literature which has the same concepts where the audience should dig deeper to realize the ideas and what the author wants to express.  Literature makes me more fluent in the language and it reflects the culture and the history of the country where you can communicate better with society.