What is literature and does it matter?

According to “What is literature and does it matter” from chapter 2 which written by Jonathan Culler, I have already had a bit of comprehension about literature. I think it is a vital way for us to grab more things from literature. literature plays an important role around us and it is presented in front of us through various forms such as plays, poetry and novels. Because as development of human society, language use is also upgrading today. Besides the same function of conveying information and knowledge as non-literary does, literature might reflect deeply meaningful issues towards humans through displaying a sense of art which deriving from delicate treatment of words. The expression variations involve rhetoric, grammar, structure and so on. Due to particularity or meaning of literature, it could get people’s attention to think hard about it and lead people to explore more unknown information. The process of thinking and researching benefit human development in linguistic ability which making words vivid and powerful and in logical thinking.

The question that stayed with me is “What factors we need to take into account before creating a literary work?”

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