After reading “A Raisin In The Sun” written by Lorraine Hansberry, I realized the importance and value of the stage direction in the play. The life and the success of the play lies in the hands of the director. This is true with A Raisin In The Sun. Here, Hanberry has managed and has planned the plot so well. The setting of the story happened on a particular date, the management and organization of the place are vividly described in addition, the readers could easily identify the character’s cultural background, their living conditions, and environment as a whole. The characters in the play are the following: Lena/ Mama is a responsible, caring, and loving mother, whose intention is to provide a good life for her family, Walter Lee, the eldest/son of mama, dream’s a better for his family by investing in a liquor store. Beneatha, daughter mama, whose ambition is to become a doctor. Ruth wife of Walter Lee, a responsible mom. Travis son of Walter Lee and Ruth dreams to have a comfortable life. All of them dream of American life such as happiness, success, improvement of social mobility, and freedom. I could also say that the dialogues assigned to its performer are appropriate to their respective roles. The conversations among them were clear and comprehensible that one can even relate it to real-life phenomenon. As the verbal and actual interaction takes place between or among the performers a reader can likely predict what will happen next or what will happen at the end of the story, a manifestation that Hanberry has gotten the attention and the interest of her readers.
On the other hand, the title of the play doesn’t convey a literal meaning but rather connotes a deeper meaning. One can come across it’s meaning through careful analysis and understanding of the message. Taking into consideration the raisin stands for the object and the sun as the outside factor. I’m proud and happy that I am now applying my knowledge in literature.