Through over the novella of “Benito Cereno”, author Herman Melville mostly depicted plots with the perspective of Captain Delano and the third-personal angle, to create and visualize an anxious, suspicious, and mysterious atmosphere in the novel. There are many details that foreshadowing plots, but they can only be seen after readers know about the whole story and the truth was being revealed. Therefore, as I reread the novel, I find that they were plenty of meaning can be shown in each plot with a different angle. For example, it is a mystery that Don Benito always tried to protect his black slaves, It is too coincident that his health issue always hindered him when conflicts on his ship were happening, and while Captain Delano was asking for explanations, Don Benito was always trying to escape from the topic, this caused Captain Delano’s attention and doubted that if Don Benito was plan to murder him. When I read this plot at the first time, I thought that Don Benito might have a good relationship with his ship members, so he always ignore issues on his ship to prevent his slaves from being judged by others, but after I finish the novel, I found that the true reason was Don Benito was being threaten by his black servant Babo. Babo was trying to liberate other blacks, he served his master Don Benito and keep an eye on him. To avoid the black slaves being out of control, Don Benito had to avoid any conflict and stay with Babo, because he knew that once he leave the sight of Babo, a revolution of the blacks would likely to happen, which would put himself and other people on an extremely dangerous situation. Overall, the novella depicted enslavement in a negative view since the atmosphere created in the novel is very stressing. In my opinion, I sympathize Don Benito in this story because I think he took the most responsibility, he tried to avoid war, and to do so he had to maintain balance between American and black, even though his had such serious illness, he was trying to save everyone. Meanwhile, I can feel the desire of freedom of black, they urged to be liberated, and when they failed to be free, I can imagine the despair on their face, it is so hurt. In a word, the novel shows a strong condemn statement on enslavement. Although Captain Delano concerned who was going to murder him, his sympathies to blacks, and the loyalty of Babo to Don Benito he saw, blind his sense on the situation.