Literature as aesthetic object

Jonathan Culler defines the nature of literature that consists of five facets including literature as the the foregrounding of language, as aesthetic object, as intertextual or self-reflexive construct, as integration of language and as fiction. I believe artistry that infuses literature make s literary work unique and interesting. Writers utilize various art instruments to shape characters, to mirror real social phenomena or to convey certain emotions through precise, impressive, vivid and touching way. The higher level of artistry the work has, the more attractive degree towards readers it shows. The characteristically allegoric figures, scenes and contexts merge with magic manner of descriptions could turn to be a fantastic work, literature. As a result, existence of artistry in literature work could be an important part of soul of a work. Because humans naturally like something beautiful as well as they are always full of curiosity for unknown things. Compared with flat non-literary work such as reports, news and essay, texts influenced by artistry could inspire readers to explore more and think deeply. So humans could learn impressively from literary work through process of analyzing it and memorizing well it through elegant texts. Perhaps a classic could be created due to unforgettable artistry.