Blog post #3

In chapter 4 of “Literature, meaning, and interpretation” by Johnathan Culler, the relationship between language and meaning is that language is when we use language to express our feelings and thoughts, and meaning is to provide largely by context and experience. This means that meaning is basically a message of something that someone expresses about something or anybody. Also, what I found more interesting regarding the relationship between language and meaning is “Language and Thought” because it talked about various ways language has an impact on everything. He said that “Different languages divide up the word differently.” This means that the language we use influences our surroundings. Another thing that caught my attention is the determination of our thoughts based on the language we speak because as English is my second language some words are written the same, but the structure and rules are entirely different in the way that the sentences are written, and the way that most of them are expressed may not have the same feeling when I say it in my native language (Spanish) than when I say it in English.