Blog 6

In the novella “Benito Cereno”, the author depicts the story from the perspective of Captain Delano starting with a  series of confusion. In the end, Herman Melville gives the solution to the mystery that the rebellious black slaves revolting against Spanish sailors. In my idea, this is a tragic story, no one is a gainer in this story, I feel sad for all those characters. Captain Benito Cereno gets a lot of physical and mental trauma, Babo gets killed for an understandable reason, Captain Delano is played by Babo like a monkey. However, this is the fault of nobody of them, this is the social norms failure at the time. The incorrect social ideology of enslavement makes Captain Benito gets hurt, Captain Delano fool and  Babo lose his life due to fighting with violence. Under the frame of social ideology background, it is really hard for any of them to make any better choices in that circumstance.

2 thoughts on “Blog 6

  1. Tereza Koniakovska - Bors

    Hi Zhang, I so agree with you that the circumstances of that era were unfortunate for all the characters. It is very hard to judge if the characters should have or even could do something in a different way. It was a different time.

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