I see that A Raisin in the Sun shows a poor family’s dreams exposed to racism for several generations. The author shows this poverty through the place they live in; it is a poor and old neighborhood. The first scene shows the apartment’s old furniture, which has no privacy and consists of one bedroom where all the family members live together. Each one of them has his own dream about the future. Because achieving their dreams and getting rid of that poverty depends on their possession of money, this money is the most important theme in the play. Also, Race and Discrimination have many negatives; one of them when you have many dreams that you can not achieve because you do not have the price of your dreams. The personalities in this family differ, as each one of them has a different dream. Mama’s dream is to own a big house that includes her family to provide a warmer and calmer atmosphere. Walter’s dream is to be the owner of a project to help his family be better, and Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor. The different characteristics make them conflict together because they want to achieve their own dreams with money. The author draws a picture of the social life of African Americans at the time through this play.